Your event
How to organise a roadshow?
Are you launching a new product and looking for an original way to promote it ? Are you keen to nurture a connection between your brand and your target ? Build relations with your customers by engaging with them on their home turf ? Because it travels from place to place, a roadshow is an ideal event for reaching out to a broad audience.
Organise a roadshow
Our advice for organising a successful roadshow
Choice of venue
Choice of venue
Depending on whether you are organising the roadshow for a product launch to the general public or to unveil a new solution to your customers, the logistics won't be the same. Based on your objectives and target audience, you might opt for a publicly accessible outdoor location or, on the other hand, a private venue open exclusively to guests.
Are you hoping to engage directly with consumers and citizens ? You’ll get the best exposure by setting up a temporary stand in a busy public place such as a station forecourt or in the city centre (subject to obtaining permission). In a mobile structure (pop-up store, dome, container, etc.) or events vehicle (bus, caravan, vintage campervan, etc.), emblazoned with your brand logo and colours, you’ll make a splash ! If you’re organising a roadshow for a car launch, you’ll find outstanding locations within the creative setting of Nantes, or by the sea in Saint-Nazaire and Pornichet !
Are you looking to organise an events tour to engage with your customers, prospects or VIP partners? Whether unusual or prestigious, located in the city centre or out in the countryside, the right venue for hosting your event and showcasing your values is a must ! Hotel, château, cultural centre, seminar room, boat... the possibilities are endless for the Nantes stage of your roadshow!

Tasting sessions or handing out flyers, products, samples or coupons: there’s no better time for promoting your business ! Organise engaging marketing events such as games, a demonstration, competition or quiz to go the extra mile in connecting with your target.

Destination Nantes Saint Nazaire - le Bureau des Congrès et ses membres

Organising the extras around the event
As with any major corporate event, planning for a roadshow needs to begin several months in advance. Among the extras for your tour, remember to find out about other upcoming events in the host city. It will also be well worth organising catering in advance and contacting local providers to support you.
If your roadshow is happening in a public place, bearing in mind the season (and region) could be important depending on the product you’ll be promoting. Similarly, you would be well-advised to find out about other events happening in the host city at the same time as your promotional tour, as this could have a positive (or negative) impact on your visitor numbers.
If your events tour is for a select group of people, such as your customers or partners, organising a cocktail or meal would be an additional opportunity to make an impression and build a rapport with them.
Service providers
Look no further than the Convention Bureau to help you organise your roadshow in Nantes, Saint-Nazaire and Pornichet. Its team will be able to guide you through all the red tape (including how to obtain a temporary events notice) and point you towards events specialists: venues for hire, caterers, event planning agencies, facilitation professionals, etc.
Communicating about the event
Communicating about the event
As soon as you have set the date and decided on the location of your BtoB promotional tour, invite your contacts on-site and communicate the various stages over your social media pages. For a general public roadshow, take full advantage of local social media pages and press sources to get people talking about it!