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Trade show

They have organised their trade show in Nantes 

Corporate event planning is a major investment in terms of your time and money - it requires flawless organisation... and a little bit of creativity too. Find inspiring ideas for your events here. 

October 2019

Rencontres Nationales du Transport Public

  • Nantes
  • 8000 participants
  • Autres filières
  • Parc des Expositions

Du 1 au 3 octobre

Des exposants issus de tous les métiers du transport présentent leurs innovations en matière de déplacement urbains, interurbains, régionaux et nationaux durant ce salon.

Salon Rencontres Nationales du Transport Public

Their testimonial

"Nantes was chosen for its glowing example in terms of public transport and its hosting capacity. The Exhibition Centre met our criteria in terms of space, with 16,000 sq.m. of surface area plus the possibility of exhibiting buses. 
For accommodation, there is a range of hotels within walking distance of the tramway which goes to the site. We also benefited from the services of the Events Hosting Charter such as transport passes and being met at the station”

Stéphanie Comère, Director of GIE Objectif transport public

To organise a trade show,

You need...

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Planner resources

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