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They have organised their congress in Nantes 

Corporate event planning is a major investment in terms of your time and money - it requires flawless organisation... and a little bit of creativity too. Find inspiring ideas for your events here.

September 2019

36th world conference of the IASP

  • Nantes
  • 1000 participants
  • Other
  • La Cité Nantes Events Center

Annual World Conference on Science Parks and Areas of Innovation, grouped within the International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation (IASP)


Their testimonial

The central location of La Cité Nantes Events Center in the city puts it within easy reach of Paris and Europe’s capitals. Thanks to the facilities and professionalism of its teams, an event of this size can be successfully organised with complete peace of mind.

Jean-François Balducchi, Managing Director, Atlanpole

To organise a congress,

You need...

illustration crayon violet

Planner resources

Here’s where you’ll find resources and documentation about the destination to help you plan your events.


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