The 2021 report of the highly-respected rankings for the organisation of international meetings has been published: Nantes is now in 6th place nationally and, for the first time, features among the Top 100 at international level.
The International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA) has just unveiled its 2022 rankings for meeting destinations. Every year, the association compiles data on the hosting of international meetings which are held on a regular basis, attract a minimum of 50 participants and rotate between at least 3 countries. In the country ranking, France is in 4th place, behind the United States, Spain and Germany, thanks to its 537 eligible events.
13 international meeting in Nantes in 2021
In the city ranking, Nantes has climbed a significant number of places compared with 2019 (the rankings were not published in 2020 owing to the health situation), from 136th to 99th position, thus breaking into the world Top 100 for the first time. The city is now in 6th place nationally, just behind Lille, with 13 eligible events.
“With sectors of excellence shored up by laboratories and schools, its bed capacity in hotels, its accessibility, a city centre on a human scale and distinctive locations, its high-quality welcome and support, Nantes ticks all the boxes for hosting international meetings,” explains Francky Trichet, Vice-President of Nantes Métropole for innovation, digital technology and international relations.
For Olivier Le Floch, Head of the Nantes and Saint-Nazaire Convention Bureau, “these results are the fruit of a thriving partnership with Nantes-based business tourism stakeholders and with academic and scientific stakeholders, who are tremendous advocates of events. ”
Accordingly, in 2021, Nantes hosted the “European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence” (EPNOE) congress, a 5-day scientific convention on polymers which was attended by 355 participants, or the 12th World Rabbit Congress 2021, which was held in hybrid format and brought together more than 300 professionals from the rabbit industry over 3 days.